French in the World and in North America

Maps and lists of where French is spoken, throughout the world and in North America.

Map Francophone

Map of the French-Speaking World (a PDF map)

Flyer: Francophonie Description  (describes the map of the French-speaking world)

Flyer: Francophonie World Regions  (lists world regions where French is spoken)

Flyer: Countries with French as an Official Language

Click here for the Modern Language Association page with US Language Map data:   Language Map Data

Essay: Modern Quebec–Cutting Edge Culture in French (by Nadeau & Barlow)  (An essay–in French and English–that presents Québec as a dynamic economic, scientific, and cultural force)

Essay: Quebec Aujourd’hui–A la fine pointe du monde francophone (by Nadeau & Barlow)

Yearly France-U.S. Economic Report (2020) (This  report, produced by the French Embassy, gives statistics on the France-US trade and economic relationship, with state-by-state statistics)

Information on French in the World from the Organisation de la Francophonie (in two parts, since it’s a big file):   La langue française dans le monde–Part I       La langue française dans le monde–Part II

Flyer: French Companies & Products in the US (2014)