Here are sites that you may find useful as you seek to strengthen and to preserve your French program.
American Association of Teachers of French: AATF
AATF Advocacy: AATF Advocacy Page
The World Speaks French: Video Stories: Video Stories
Modern Language Association (MLA) North American Language Map Statistics: MLA Map Data
French Embassy (Washington, D.C.): Ambassade de France
Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the U.S.: Services culturels
French Embassy Francophonie Page: Francophonie
Service économique of the French Embassy: French – US Economic & Business Info
Québec Government Office in Chicago: Québec in Chicago
Québec Government Office in Los Angeles & Silicon Valley: Québec in LA & Silicon Valley
Embassy of Switzerland: Swiss Embassy
Embassy of Belgium: Belgian Embassy
Embassy of Senegal: Senegalese Embassy
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Advocacy: ACTFL Advocacy
ACTFL: Research on the benefits of language learning: Language Research Info ACTFL
AATF Promotional Materials: AATF Promotional